Jack Parow @ De Dekke
De Dekke De Dekke Centre, Little Bak River, Western Cape, South AfricaAag, julle! It's that time of year again where the vibe is hotter than your auntie's Christmas pudding, and guess what? We’re bringing the one and only Jack Parow to De Dekke in Grootbrak for a night that’s going to be more legendary than your uncle’s dance moves at the braai! Buy ticket via: https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fhowler.co.za%2FParow%3Ffbclid%3DIwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR2DuoMGXz6smY3Ahlxl3XFo4YjoycKAd8-nJYuzLOAI0_3cyK2Tsq27tDE_aem_HGKg4K7Jpv3jzrFSgeyqOQ&h=AT3f26O6FNVs41xvG9kC9S5Y4Nrndj8Wfs0PfYfibmOcL8O7pj_HiaghhFB7RZP1kcw3Iv2mGT3yWp5O8lxdwIAhF5Z3k51coki04LfdQEzKvHJITk8ipYpGmB8V6D7WF941&__tn__=-UK*F […]